MSM Healthcare is a company that is run by healthcare professionals with over 60 years of combined healthcare & business experience. Our vision to serve the East Anglia and national healthcare community with a high quality service. We are deliberately different because we do not want to be “just another agency” but will use our knowledge and skills to ensure that our clients and care staff get the service they deserve which will ultimately benefit the service users, whom it should be all about.
We supply temporary and domiciliary care staff including Registered Nurses (RMN, RGN, RSCN, RNLD), Operating Department Practitioners (ODP), Social Workers, Midwives, Occupational Health Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Health Care Assistants and Support Workers. Our team will work with you to ensure that you get the service you need be it in your own home or for your organisation, ensuring that obtaining temporary staff is as painless as possible.
We can also meet your training needs by providing you with qualified and experienced trainers in Management of Violence & Aggression (MVA) including breakaways and challenging behaviour; Moving & Handling; Basic First Aid; Dementia Awareness and Care Certificate training which covers all the required training for new staff.
If you would like to find out more information about us then contact us today.